Get to know us!
Lukasz Lasocki
Historian, geographer, social rehabilitator, teacher, scout. He is constantly trying to balance all his passions and at the same time infect his students with them. His mission is to make learning practical, interesting, and above all - fun and rewarding. He loves traveling with a good book and discussions around the campfire.
Basia Lasocka
Biologist, photographer, science teacher. She loves to cook and grow plants. Rarely repeats dishes, she likes to wander in the woods and ride her bike. As befits a photographer, she doesn't part with her camera and captures everyone but herself in her pictures. In the evening she relaxes with a good book.
Kamil Barzycki
Instructor of Learn Outdoors and FLOAT airsoft team, one of the founders of AROT. A big fan of all kinds of fantasy, military and history. Since 2022 he has been in charge of organizing the LARP Fantasy camp. In addition to two meters tall, his most important qualities are a big ego and a terrible sense of humor.
Piotr "Łyżka" Biernacki
Instructor of Learn Outdoors and the FLOAT airsoft team. His charisma, positive attitude (regardless of the situation) and interesting stories always improve the atmosphere of the group. He enjoys going on trips to the mountains or the woods. He is interested in militarism, fantasy and a bit of physics.
Ovi Daboc
Learn Outdoors instructor coming from Romania to make sure everyone knows the rules of handling tools and interacting with fire safely. In his free time, he enjoys learning languages (including Polish!), listening to weird music, drawing and pretending he can play the guitar.
Michał Styś
Instructor of Learn Outdoors and the FLOAT airsoft team; one of the founders of AROT. A fan of mountains, active leisure and ASG. He fell in love with summercamps as a child been and has been in the foundation since 2020. Responsible and dutiful; makes everyone feel comfortable in his company.
Gaia Szmigiel
Learn Outdoors instructor. She has been accompanying the Foundation since its first trip in Poland. Specializes in geographic workshops and starting campfires. Loves interesting conversations, good books and fresh coffee. Always cares about the atmosphere filled with respect and acceptance of the other person.
Alissa Vorobjova
Learn Outdoors instructor from Estonia.
She has been working with the Foundation since 2022. She is a camp witch - she will sing to you in strange languages, tell you about animal bones and take you deep into the forest... Regardless of the circumstances, she always infects you with optimism and eagerness for action.